
So Sad: New Couple Splits Over Toothpaste

Would you do this to your Lover?

Anybody who is updated would know about the alarming rate at which relationships break these days. The world is going more ridiculous and strangely unconventional as there are so many unbelievable things happening for real in the world of relationships. No matter who you are or where you live, you would have heard different stories of broken homes.

Even if you are living in the most cherished country in the world which is America, that is a place where breakup happens at least every 6 seconds, and yet according to the record, it’s the 10th most divorced country in the world. You can imagine how active the breakup game is in the world.

Not only in USA alone, when I receive another story of broken home, I just sigh and wonder how many times we have to see this happening as we watch helplessly! While so many relationships were cut off due to some reasons best known to the victims, so many could not cope with the differences of their partners, some called it a quit because of waywardness, but this is not the story of James and Jessica, a fresh couple of few months.

They got married and everything was going smooth, their honeymoon was the talk of the town and people were so jealous of the “freshest” couple.

Only God is perfect they say, though their relationship is almost the next perfect thing after perfection itself; but there was only one objection to their relationship, they failed to deal with their individual differences. 
The husband loves it when he holds the toothpaste and presses it from the middle, but it’s one of the most irritating act Jessica the wife would ever think of. You shouldn’t be doing this James, you are more matured than this, Jessica hollered at him and it all turned to a physical fight all of a sudden.

In the quest to help the matter, Jessica moved to where the toothpaste was, held it from the esteemed edge as she continued yelling, “This is how to use a toothpaste James!!! You press it upward this way”.

This is one of the most annoying things to James from ladies; complaining to him in an annoying way, he would not take it for anything. How he had ended up marrying Jessica was still mystical for him.

But the veil is falling off already. He is calling it a quit and there is nothing anybody can do about it. And that was what he actually did. They headed for the court to dissolve the relationship the second day and that was the end of their few weeks wedding.

Disheartening, you will say, of course that’s how I felt as well. So many questions in my heart… “Were they forced to marry each other?” The issue was too simple and it’s nothing to write home about.

But, for how many months did they court and how come Jessica failed to remember how much her husband hates nagging? How old could James be that he so acted like a fool to end a few weeks wedding over a small brawl with his wife?

“Wait… What would it have caused them to buy separate toothpastes and let each of them decide how they press it out?” If we look through, it’s more than that. It would have been the result of accumulated misunderstanding that they failed to settle amicably.

"So many of these unions that need to be questioned if there is compatibility in their relationships or just about the love and affection? Of course relationship is more than that and we all need compatibility to survive in our relationships." Is that your thought? Is it really compatibility? I think it’s more!

We often hear people tag compatibility the culprit behind many breakups, but the last time I checked, most of them were just playing out a tape of their disgraceful selfishness – nothing more, nothing less.

Relationship or marriage is more than having a flawless representation of a partner on your head and seeing a physical manifestation of it after the nuptials. If it will work, you need to empty yourself of the “self-centeredness” you are wrapped in. We all need to do this!

If marriages would ever be like they used to be, individuals would just have to learn. We all have to go back to the drawing board, and find a way of getting our foot back into the old path of love. We all need to learn the dictates of love anew.

This is nothing but a clarion call to everyone. It is sure a charge for you and me to give up trying to have our ways in relationships, but rather let love have its way again.

The world would sure become a better place if we all be the better person we want in the other person. We would live peaceably if we embrace peace with all our being before we demand it of our partner.

Our Children must not grow with the craziness of lust that we call love. We must set their feet right on the good path. I see marriages coming back to their “once upon a time” blissfulness.

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And, Don't Forget This:
Life is too short to frown
And The Past is too far to get back into
The future is a place for the hopeful...
If you've got hope, you sure will get there
Don't give up, don't call it quit yet...
If others are making it, you too will, surely!
Stay put and your dreams will come true.

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