
Amazing, British Film Company Creates "Real Life" First Person Shooter on Chatroulette

Amazing, British Film Company Creates "Real Life" First Person Shooter on Chatroulette

I have never visited the Chatroulette once, and then I am beginning to have the idea of what my life would have been had I invested little of my time on it. I would be loaded with visuals enough to blow my head away and would daydream for real.

Kudos to Andrey Ternovsky, the 17-year-old high school student for using his brain earlier than I did use mine, by creating that online presence. "Palms meet face."

But, with the growing social impact on the world at large, we can't just shy away from the fact that a part of us is being used wrongly as we crave the merriment that the social media readily give. No! I meant to say this: if we don't have a mental audit of the impact that the social world has on us, we just might end up having fun-filled moments that can't be traced to adding any praiseworthy value to us.
Let's talk about Chatroulette and the Real Life First Person Shooter they just created.

When I see stuff that are amazing, I just want to spell the letters like the stuff actually is. This video is one.
What makes this amazing is the fact that players can speak directly to the main character without using any controls. This is still visible in the computer games' world.
The more amazing thing about this is the fact that it all happened in real life. The location, the Zombies and even the main Character are humans.
Kudos in my dialect for the British Film Academy for Creating this awe-inspiring and in-depth "real-life" first person shooting game. 
And what about the hidden weapon upgrades? That is really worth my kudos. And like every video games, there is a Boss to battle in the end. Enjoy the feel.

Gracias to the company!

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And, more about Chatroulette (for Newbies Like me)
It is an online chat website that pairs random people from around the world together for webcam-based conversations. Visitors to the website begin an online chat (text, audio and video) with another visitor. At any point, either user may leave the current chat by initiating another random connection. (Wikipedia)

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And, Don't Forget This:
Life is too short to frown
And The Past is too far to get back into
The future is a place for the hopeful...
If you've got hope, you sure will get there
Don't give up, don't call it quit yet...
If others are making it, you too will, surely!
Stay put and your dreams will come true.

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