
Let Men Know 1

All women are God's special gifts for you to enjoy throughout your life. Don't pick them up being just a girlfriend and then dropping them. Don't fake your love for them, when they deserve the best.

She has love, tenderness and so much more offer for you. Whether she will be what she's supposed to be will depend on how you can understand her.

Often times, it is the attitude of men in not accepting and understanding their wives (or girlfriends) that makes most women withdraw and be cold towards their husband (or boyfriend).

There is no much of research in this. It is what common sense can tell. Anything you want your woman to become, show that you have a heart that can accommodate such and appreciate her all along.

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And, Don't Forget This:
Life is too short to frown
And The Past is too far to get back into
The future is a place for the hopeful...
If you've got hope, you sure will get there
Don't give up, don't call it quit yet...
If others are making it, you too will, surely!
Stay put and your dreams will come true.

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