
Let Men Know 3

My dear friend, I know enough about men. I know most of them are as thick as their skins are. Their tongues are filled with deceit and in their hands are many of evil deeds. Their hearts calls for pleasure and they seek for those they will have... just that with you.

Some men are not worth your time.

Not even a piece of your heart.

If you let them in easily, they know how to take over like a terrorist on a plane.

No man on the Internet is married, so they profess. And the last time I checked, they are scorpions lurking in the dark to strike.

Yea, I know that love could sometimes work online, but overall, it's a place of untold deceit.

Watch them when they fly around you.

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And, Don't Forget This:
Life is too short to frown
And The Past is too far to get back into
The future is a place for the hopeful...
If you've got hope, you sure will get there
Don't give up, don't call it quit yet...
If others are making it, you too will, surely!
Stay put and your dreams will come true.

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