
Let Men Know 4

Yo Lady! I wish we all have scanners on our foreheads to see those guys who only want to get the best piece of our hearts and leave us miserable.
Don't give your heart so easily to those that claim to love you wit words.

True Love is tested. True Love Waits. True Love doesn't seek only pleasure. True Love is much more than can be verbalized. True Love gives more than it wants to take. True Love doesn't live in words but lives in action. True Love is worth waiting for. True Love is worth giving everything for.

Isn't that what you have got?

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And, Don't Forget This:
Life is too short to frown
And The Past is too far to get back into
The future is a place for the hopeful...
If you've got hope, you sure will get there
Don't give up, don't call it quit yet...
If others are making it, you too will, surely!
Stay put and your dreams will come true.

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