It's no more news to see the outlandish care of the Government on its Citizens upon an epidemic outbreak of any disease.
At such times, one would think that the Nation is about to have a major surge over its economy.
Well, we've heard how the Government did curtail the Ebola fever and then its younger sister, Lassa fever. Isn't it praiseworthy?
Here's the Shocking Part:
People won't stop to fuss too much over the news of this epidemic outbreaks. Quite surprisingly, most people die of the "Ignorance" they bought for themselves. Remember the "salt bath" during the Ebola Outbreak? And how people ate poisonous portions that were made for rats during the Lassa fever outbreak?
Did I hear you say foolishness, ignorance or lack of common sense? Then you are close to knowing this newly found disease...
One mysterious thing about this disease is: it can stay on the host until death! And another is: an infected fellow will make it generational if not cured. Factual enough, one can have it and still feel okay, live healthy, do everything good and all will sound gorgeous. But the moment a test is carried out, such might be more confused than confusion itself. Please don't panic yet. I had to do a self-check myself to see if I am free - totally free - from this contagious disease!
Over the century, so much has been said about HIV-AIDS and its cohorts but it will be sad to know that these don't really have instant resultant effects on people like the daily occurrence of Malaria.
Here's More
Did you remember your New Year resolution? And the mouth-watering plans you made and those lovely goals you did set?
February is going already and, obviously, the economy of the Nation (E.g. Nigeria) is taking an outrageous downward turn.
Now to some people, the accomplishment of those set goals and plans are not visible again. This menace is called unbelief - it's a disease that's transmittable!
Give Me Your Ear...
Do you know why we work on making our body fit without getting a firmer grip on our soul? It's because we always like to put the cart before the horse.
Work on your spirit and soul and watch how your physical body display awesomeness.
Remember these?
Many people die of low self-esteem on a daily basis! Many more die of heartbreaks from a lover or a loved one. We are all dying from the pangs of corruption!
If I may ask, are those above not deadlier than any epidemic disease?
Let's cut it to the chase
Unbelief, Low self-esteem, Ignorance, Hatred, Unforgivingness, Self-limitation are diseases that are so deadly that a whole generation can inherit. Each is an accomplice of Poverty and many other decadent lifestyles.
And this is how any of them is contacted:
*When you wake up in the morning and you don't see any reason to tell yourself that the day will end well, regardless of what is available for the day, then you have it!
*When you think you can never get to a specific height in life, you sure have it!
*When all you do is just to murmur and not take actions that will birth the result you want- my friend you sure have it!
*When you allow your background or situation around to judge what your life could become, hey! You are carrying the virus!
*When you allow someone who is a guru in limiting himself to dictate what your next moment will be, you will contact it sooner than you think.
*And when you don't believe whatever God says about you, you are carrying this deadly disease.
My Friend... It's not about how you feel at present…
Surely, I see you making it this year. I see a change of home for you, better business, better job and better money. I see you being a source of blessing to many people. I see the jobless being employed, the singles getting married and broken homes being restored. Above it all, I see you being all you’ll ever desire.
As for me, every single year will remain a hit... Back to Back! From 2016 to 2017 and beyond!
This year, faith has taken over! Leave unbelief for the dead!
I am what God says I am; I am the head and not the tail; I am unlimited by the situations around me; I will be what God has ordained me to be; I refuse to be an object of limitation to my generation; I refuse to be a shame to my world; I am nothing but Success; I am a blessed and glorious being; My life is wonderful for I am wonderfully made; My life is worth more than what people see!
From this year and beyond, I will become a testimony and wonder to my world.
So shall it be. Amen.
Do you believe in the above prayer? Then, as a testimony that it's done, share this with anyone you wish a better year in 2016 and beyond.
More Reason to Like and Share this?
Many people give so much headache to things that don’t have quick life-threatening effects on people.
If you’ll agree with me, HIV-AIDS isn’t like many people chorus it. Many diseases and viruses are deadlier.
And if we will dread (fear) ignorance, low self-esteem, corruption, poverty, nonchalance, self-limitation, and unbelief like we dread many of these popular diseases, we will all live as kings and queens on earth.
So, Hit Like and also Share this to save a friend from Ignorance. I’ve done my part.